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Feb 12, 2024 2:03 pm
I am starting the restoration of the seats and interior on my Sports roof, and I have a couple of questions. I am removing the aftermarket seat covers and replacing them with the correct white vinyl and blue cloth inserts, and red piping.
1) Do the rear seats get the "silver" seat back buttons, like the ones on the front seat?
2) Is there supposed to be a white divider between the rear seat backs? I have seen old pictures with this being shown across the mid point of the rear seat backs.
3) The back of the front seats, is that just painted white or is wrapped in vinyl?
4) Seat belt color, is BLACK the correct color? Mine are black, but can't find a good picture that shows them in it?
1 Reply
Feb 12, 2024 2:04 pm
If anyone can post photos, that would be great. Thanks